When it's hot outside, the kitchen can be a lousy place. However,
there's a lot you can do when it comes to cooking a delicious meal at
home without the traditional cooking on the stovetop or in the oven.
Learn how to use some of the less heat-generating appliances in your
kitchen, such as a slow cooker, to really beat the summer heat and stay
cool while cooking a delicious hot meal for friends and family. your

So how does slow cooker cooking really help with the heat? Simply put, the slow cooker itself gives off less heat when cooking than an oven or stove. This is the first and probably the best reason to use a slow cooker in planning your summer meals. You should also be aware that by not heating your home with a stove or oven, you are also preventing the air conditioner (or other cooling methods) from working overtime to offset the extra heat you will yes. ' .
This makes slow cooking a win-win, as the operating costs of a slow cooker are much lower than the operating costs of a stove or oven in general. Whether electric or gas, your stove and oven are often major energy consumers. Add to that the fact that you don't raise the temperature in your home with traditional cooking, and you use even less electricity.
Unfortunately for most people, the general consensus is that the slow cooker is for comfort food and hearty winter meals. The truth is, the slow cooker will be one of your favorite and most used cooking methods if you can manage it. When it comes to slow cooker cooking, the options are nearly limitless. Almost anything that can be baked can be made in the slow cooker, as can many other great dishes and delicacies.
Benefits of slow cooker cooking
In addition to the above-mentioned financial benefits of using a slow cooker, there are many other benefits worth mentioning. First of all, most of the work associated with slow cooking happens at the beginning of the day when you're feeling refreshed rather than at the end of a busy work or play day. This means you're less likely to forget an ingredient or make the other mistakes that often happen when we rush to cook dinner when we're exhausted from the day's activities.
Second, many good slow cooker recipes include vegetables that ensure we get the nutrients we need. Often, when preparing a last-minute meal, vegetables and other accompaniments are left out for convenience. Slow cooking is in many cases a one-course meal.
Another good reason to use a slow cooker for your summer kitchen is that it's easy to clean. Unlike pots and pans, most slow cooker meals are prepared in a single dish. That means there won't be mountains of dishes that have to be washed by hand or in the dishwasher (or if you're like me, both) afterwards. You can spend less time cleaning just like you spend less time working on a hot stove. Oh, wait! Doing it takes no time slapping on a hot stove. Once you're done cleaning, you can go back to enjoying the sunset, chasing lightning bugs with your little ones, or waiting for the first star.
While there was never a single cooking method, slow cooker cooking has come close. If you have a dusty slow cooker somewhere in the back of your pantry, it's time to pull it out, dust it off if it's pulled out, and dig into some great summertime recipes. Great with a slow cooker.