I'm pretty sure most of us have seen or at least heard of the hit sitcom
"Marriage to Children", which has dominated television for several
years and is still being broadcast in many markets. schools in the
world. There are great insights expressed by this dysfunctional family
and some gems to bring into your everyday life. The same can be said
when it comes to cooking with children.

There are few things on this earth that can teach you about yourself and how your child sees you as easily as cooking with your child. Of course, this is the perfect opportunity for many of us to relax a little, relax and have fun in the kitchen. Unfortunately, if you're like me, it's a tough process, to say the least. I'm a little out of control in my kitchen. It can be said that this is my domain or sovereign territory. Because of this, it was difficult to relinquish that control and hand control over to one of my children.
On the other hand, I know they learn important skills that they really need to know in life. Of course, that knowledge didn't pose a problem as I made ketchup in places I never thought I would discover on my own. If you plan to cook with kids, you need to make sure you have the right ingredients on hand before you start. You certainly don't want to get caught if you don't have the patience you'll need, just as you don't want to have to leave halfway to run to your local grocery store to pick up the missing ingredients.
Another basic rule for cooking with kids is the KISS rule. Keep it silly simple. This rule will help you more than you think. First, most children have relatively short attention spans. If they want to learn and help their mother, they also don't want to have enough time to get bored with the details. Use simple recipes when cooking with kids and your chances of success will be much higher than recipes that are overly complicated or with lots of ingredients.
As if that wasn't enough to internalize another very important rule when cooking with kids, which is to clean up as much as possible. Trust me. While there's a part where you want to stop cleaning up the mess you've created, or wait until it's over and clean it up only once, this allows the mess to pile up and get worse. Clean continuously throughout the process for best results. You should also involve your child in the cleaning process. While it may be easier to do it yourself, it's much more important to teach them the basics of cleaning as you do. Remember that one day, they will most likely infiltrate your kitchen while you are not looking.
Cooking with kids can be a great way to spend a good day if you can let go of the control you usually have over the kitchen. Give the keys to your kingdom for a day of flour and sugar delight and see how many great memories you can make with your little ones along the way.